-Power Range: 1.5KW-120KW
-Voltage: 220V~380V
-Big LCD display.
-Power export limit.
-Compact and easy install.
-Wifi/GPRS/Lan Communication
-Power Range: 400W-2000W
-Voltage: 220V
-Design flexibility.
-Installation Cost low.
-Self-sufficient energy
-Stable power storage with worry-free reliability
-Power Range: 1.5KW-100KW
-Voltage: 220V~380V
-Up to 6 units in parallel for SP.
-Support Li-ion battery BMS dual activation.
- Dual MPPT with up to 99.9% efficiency
-Up to 280A charging current.
“Delivering reliable, efficient, and innovative solutions to meet your solar energy needs.”
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